Forum Discussion
3 years agoQrew Legend
You cannot look up a Report Link field. But you can simply make a Report Link field and configure the left and right fields that you want to match.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Mark Shnier (YQC)
- AnthonyWong13 years agoQrew MemberHello,
Thank you Mark for your response.
I think I'm understanding you but I'm not sure.
Are you suggesting the following:
1) Create a new report link field in PROJECT COSTS
- Generate fields in the report link that mimic the report link field under PROJECTS
- Using the relationship from PROJECT ADDERS to PROJECT COSTS, allow the fields to look up the Field labeled under each customer?
My only question is that since PROJECT ADDERS is a multi relationship table between 2 other tables, it will automatically associate the PROJECT table to the ADDERS Table
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Since PROJECT ADDERS automatically selects the project associated to the 'NEW ADDER' how can I use a relationship between the 2 fields when they're actually linked to 2 other Tables at once?
Thank you so much for your support in advance. I really appreciate it
Anthony Wong