Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Thank you. Can you give me a sample URL DO query? I am trying to get it working now. I have looked into the guide and got this error  

    <errtext>Bad ticket</errtext>
    <errdetail>Your ticket was not formatted correctly.</errdetail>
  • How in particular are you making the doQuery request? Via GET or POST? The sample post from the API doc is below. From you particular error - you have an auth issue. So you're either not authenticated when you're trying to load this - or you have something off about the <ticket> or <usertoken> tags

       <query>{'5'.CT.'Ragnar Lodbrok'}AND{'5'.CT.'Acquisitions'}</query>

    Chayce Duncan | Technical Lead
    (720) 739-1406 |
    Quandary Knowledge Base