Forum Discussion

JeremyCohen2's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

How to Highlight an embedded report within a form so that data entry is intuitive

I am working with an App which uses an embedded report from another table. The idea is to make it so the person can enter all the require information for that record in one place.  I have the embedded report functioning correctly but I cannot determine a way to highlight the columns so that data entry is intuitive.  I have some columns that pre-populate information based upon what is selected in other columns.

What I would like:  the columns that are pre-populated to showcase in a darker or gray color while the other columns that need to be entered stand out.  I would be happy with just a font change like bold font for those columns while standard or italics for the prepopulated columns.

I searched around but do not see anyone looking for anything like this.

4 Replies

  • If you are looking for formatting of columns in Grid Edit mode, there is not a native way to do that.
  • bummer.  was hoping there was some format formulas I could utilize at the least.  Was trying to make date entry easier to swallow.
  • My only random thought would be to line up a Rich text formula field above the Grid Edit report In edit mode only) to provide some highlighting instructions for the columns.  It would be trial and error to get the spacing right to sort of line up with the column widths. 
  • hmmm that's actually not a bad thought.  I might have to give that a go.  

    Thank You