Forum Discussion
3 years agoQrew Cadet
No, it doesn't work quite like that. I guess I do need to mention a 4th table related to Product - that is Model. So when someone creates a quote, there's a multi-select field where they can pick Product names. Based on this, further fields will appear to select from the models available, and other options related to each product. (When equipment is first quoted they may not know which model; this info doesn't have to be selected initially but must be filled in prior to the quote closing as won at which time the magic button is clicked and the asset created.) So it's perhaps more clunky than relating a list of products to the quote.
Kim Gardner | Marketing & Communications Coordinator | Comco Inc.
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3 years agoQrew Trainee
I have a similar use case where for any given Test, I need to add Sample Parts. I have an automation that loops as Kim mentions with a 'counter' & 'next counter' field to achieve the X new Sample Part records. I have it working, however the processing time for adding new records 1x1 is quite slow, and takes several screen refreshes to get all the records to show.
I've been working with QB to get a better solution, namely a bulk record upsert to created all the records in the background, then immediately show all X records at once. I was pointed toward this app, but haven't had a chance to play with it and get the logic working in my app. It's in the app exchange - "Create X Children"
Just thought I'd post this in case you find it helpful.
Jeremy Myer
I've been working with QB to get a better solution, namely a bulk record upsert to created all the records in the background, then immediately show all X records at once. I was pointed toward this app, but haven't had a chance to play with it and get the logic working in my app. It's in the app exchange - "Create X Children"
Just thought I'd post this in case you find it helpful.
Jeremy Myer
- KimG3 years agoQrew CadetThanks for the tip, Jeremy. I'll check out the app. For my application having the child records appear immediately isn't super critical. They do get modified, at a later time when equipment ships and ship date and serial numbers are recorded. However, it's always reassuring to see that it's worked and they are there in the database, so needing several screen refreshes to see them is annoying.
Kim G