Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
3 years agoI'm not sure if I understand what you are trying to do, but you could use a Bulk Upsert to either add or update a contact record. The "Upsert" will auto create if necessary else edit the existing record as long as the email address is set as being unique or better yet the Key to the contacts tavle.
as for this statement
However, the Pipeline doesn't appear to be that smart - and I can only use one field to use for the pipeline If Then statements. I can't say "When New Record Created, Look IF FID Email_Address exists, if Yes - update; if NO, look at FID New_Email Address - and create new record in contacts table.
In fact a Pipeline can have all kinds of crazy branching logic. You insert a "condition" step.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
as for this statement
However, the Pipeline doesn't appear to be that smart - and I can only use one field to use for the pipeline If Then statements. I can't say "When New Record Created, Look IF FID Email_Address exists, if Yes - update; if NO, look at FID New_Email Address - and create new record in contacts table.
In fact a Pipeline can have all kinds of crazy branching logic. You insert a "condition" step.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)