Forum Discussion

frnmj's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

How to properly set up email reminder

Good day! Is there a way to automatically send emails to all records that are 21 days past the [File Date] field? As far as I know, emails only get sent out when a record is modified or added. If it's...
  • MikeTamoush's avatar
    3 years ago
    Oh, in that case you will need to make formula checkboxes to check if today()>[File Date] + Days(21).

    Then setup a pipeline to search every night for anything where that is checked, and then modify a field on that record (maybe just put the current date in a text field).

    Use that field modification to trigger a notification, and set the notification to open. You are basically tricking the system and using a notification as a reminder.

    Mike Tamoush