How to Save and Refresh a Report Link Table in a Form?
Hi All,
I have multiple report link tables in a form (using the older form layout). The way my form works, is the user will fill in each cell in the report link table to update the records for child tables to the current form. I have some formula fields in the same page that is meant to update when filling in the report tables.
However, this becomes very tedious because currently the user will have to fill in the report tables then click "save & close", then return back to the previous page to save the inputed data, and update the formula calculations. Is there a way to include a save & refresh button that will save the data inputted in the reports, and keep the user in the same page?
The way it is now, if I use a custom save & refresh button it saves data inputted in the form fields, but not the data inputted in the reports.
Any help is much appreciated!