Forum Discussion

RyanAnderson2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

How to stop user(s) requesting permission to create applications billed to the account

We are periodically getting an email from users stating they are requesting permission to create applications billed to the account. Checking in with one of the users, the request to create an app came as a popup on the screen. The popup is exited out (clicking the X), though the user has to click several times to close it.  

These are not desired requests, yet as the account administrator, we receive emails that the users are requesting it.

It seems this is an error with the popup if they are not actually making the request.
Is there a way to disable this popup for the users from randomly appearing?

I'm not sure yet what this looks like. Hoping it's an easy solution to resolve.

  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I understand and share your concern. However, I think Quick Base doesn't like you controlling that. They want people to create applications and if they can't keep bombarding you with those requests until you relent. I have been asking QuickBase to do this for several years as well and I am interested in seeing their response now, especially because it is not an Intuit company anymore. Fingers crossed!

  • It's not a popup, it's an errant click on your users' part.

    The apps ribbon looks something like this:

    And when a user without app creation permissions clicks on 'New App', which always appears to the right of the 'tabbed' list of apps they've lately accessed, it will send the account owner the email request you're describing.

    We have one user who does this HABITUALLY and it took us a while to figure out what was happening. I can all but promise you that if you take this description to your user(s) who are 'randomly' getting these 'popups' they will reveal that they do in fact regularly click on that area of the screen - probably the table home page that appears under that screen real estate, for their role (since the table home page button ribbon is what goes under the apps ribbon).

    Unfortunately as I understand it there is nothing you can do but ignore the emails without taking some truly drastic and probably undesirable measures in the BOL realm. Though you can at least rest assured that those emails can safely be ignored.
    • _anomDiebolt_'s avatar
      Qrew Elite
      You might be able configure your email client to route these emails to a special folder or delete them based on some unique content in the email that distinguishes them from other QuickBase emails.

      > ... taking some truly drastic and probably undesirable measures in the BOL realm ...

      I would not characterize using any script solution as drastic or undesirable. Script allows you to solve problems like this almost immediately without forlorn appeals to QuickBase or suggestions that languish in UserVoice. Instead of "I have been asking QuickBase to do this for several years" you will be saying "I knocked that feature off in a mere 10 lines of script. What is the next problem to solve?"

      I would use a Service Worker to do this as once setup it will operate against the entire account. The BOL operates against all pages withing an application, and would have to be setup in each application the user had access to.

      In either case, the only mildly challenging issue is deciding if the current user should be allowed to see the "new app" button or access the "new app" functionality. Do you decide access based on a whitelist or blacklist of user ids, user names, role ids, role names etc?
    • AlexCertificati's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      I could be misremembering, Dan, but I thought that I recalled in the threads about using scripting methods to get into that layer that there were potentially unpredictable side effects of messing with those elements. I would certainly never put anything past your capabilities.
    • _anomDiebolt_'s avatar
      Qrew Elite
      > ... using scripting methods to get into that layer that there were potentially unpredictable side effects of messing with those elements

      Service Workers are very well behaved today and supported in all major browsers. In fact I would wager that most users have Service Workers registered from their casual browsing and don't even know it. To check visit this URL in Chrome:

      Chrome ~ Inspect Service Workers

      The only real issue for me is that Service Workers may interfere with some of the QuickBase demos I have created in the past. Eventually I will run through all of my demos and patch things up. Quite frankly I think QuickBase will employ Service Workers in their mobile app eventually (to work off-line for example). Additionally, CloudFlare has adopted Service Workers for their Edge Computing Proxy API. Since QuickBase uses CloudFlare now there is an enormous potential to bring Service Worker into QuickBase stack which will greatly expand enterprise integrations, mobile and IOT capabilities.