Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
3 years agonp,
Put a new field or type ListUser on the form called [Other Users who may edit].
The set the edit permissions to be a custom rule.
[Record Owner] is the current user
[Other Users who may edit] includes the value ( and select <the current user ).
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Put a new field or type ListUser on the form called [Other Users who may edit].
The set the edit permissions to be a custom rule.
[Record Owner] is the current user
[Other Users who may edit] includes the value ( and select <the current user ).
Mark Shnier (YQC)
3 years agoQrew Trainee
Hi Mark,
I don't see "includes" clause in the dropdown, I missed anything? I created field "Alternate proposal Owner" which acts as [Other Users who may edit]
Mrunali Kadam
I don't see "includes" clause in the dropdown, I missed anything? I created field "Alternate proposal Owner" which acts as [Other Users who may edit]
Mrunali Kadam
- MarkShnier__You3 years ago
Qrew Legend
I was assuming that the field that you were creating was a list user field type where you can select multiple other users to also be able to edit. But if you have a simple user field with only one choice, then yes, "is the current user" would be the correct selection.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- MrunaliKadam3 years agoQrew TraineeGot it. Thank you Mark!
Mrunali Kadam