Forum Discussion

KaranBhavsar's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

How to use a formula field to query a table and insert field values into another table's field

I have two tables - "Task" and "Test" related as One-to-many( each task may have many tests). Test table has a field say "Name" that I populate using JavaScript from HTML page. 

Task01 has tests - Test01, Test02 and Test03 each test having a field(Name) - John, Austin and John respectively. I want to populate a field say "TaskName" in Task table with unique values from "Name" field in Test table. For example: TaskName in Task01 will have values - John, Austin. 

How can I achieve this using formula field to query Test table and insert values in Task table?

2 Replies

  • Are you asking how to do this using the API's or using native Quick base techniques.  It is possible to do natively for a limited number of unique names, say a half a dozen using a series of looping relationships.

    I presume in your example above, you are looking for a field in the task table to contain the value 

    John, Austin