4 years agoQrew Cadet
How to write an IF Statement to look for NOT null
In our app we converted 400 projects that had historical SPONSORS as a text field.
PROBLEM: We continue to struggle with the conditional statement to do the following:
Thanks in advance for your help.
Annetta Coleman
- Approximately half of the projects are closed so we plan to keep a Sponsor-Historical (text field) for closed projects.
- Approximately half of the projects are active so for these we will invite the Sponsors to become QuickBase users. As they become users we will assign the project to a Sponsor-User (user) field. Some Sponsors choose to not become users the project needs to retain the Sponsor-Historical (text) field.
- In our project header we want to display the Sponsor Name cleanly with a formula text field that chooses the UserToName version of the Sponsor-User field if it exists, otherwise choose the Sponsor-Historical field if it exists, otherwise display a null value for the displayed version.
PROBLEM: We continue to struggle with the conditional statement to do the following:
- If Sponsor UsertoName field exists, use it in the display value field otherwise
- If Sponsor Historical field exists, use it in the display value field otherwise
- Display Value field is null
Of interest if we swap the 1st and 2nd lines, which ever line is 1st works if not null, but 2nd line never fires. How can we resolve this If statement?Thanks in advance for your help.
Annetta Coleman