IF statement changing numeric to text
I'm attempting to convert a numeric field to a text field based on the the content. So far I have the following formula but it's not working.
[Time in Role] =< 1 ,"Less than 1 year",
[Time in Role] => 1.01 & =< 3 ,"1 to 3 years",
[Time in Role] => 3.01 & =< 5 ,"3 to 5 years",
[Time in Role] => 5.01 & =< 10 ,"5 to 10 years",
[Time in Role] => 10.01 & =< 15 ,"10 to 15 years",
[Time in Role] => 15.01 & =< 20 ,"15 to 20 years",
[Time in Role] => 20.01,"20+ years"
What output are you getting in the field? I do see some issues with the formulam but would like to know what results you are currently seeing. Also, what is the field type for Time in Role?
Initial observation:
Condition 1 should be [Time in Role] < 1 if you are looking for less than a year. currently you will get 1 year and lessThe other conditions should follow this format:
[Time in Role] > year and [Time in Role] <= end yearThis is untested, but should get you pointed in the right direction