Forum Discussion

MichelleL's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 months ago

html tags in @mention email notification

I'm trying to use the new feature that allows @ mentions in rich text fields, and have set up a custom notification to email users when they've been mentioned. 

I'm trying to get the contents of the rich text field containing the mention to display in the email notification. I selected the field using the 'add elements' dropdown in the 'compose email' section. How do I set up the template so that the contents of the field will be displayed in the body of the email without all the html tags? 

  • You may have figured this out already, but if not here is the code for this: 

    var text Note = ToText([FIELD NAME HERE]);
    //specific tags - can replace them all in note instead of one at a time
    var text AST= SearchAndReplace($NOTE,"<br />"," ");
    var text BST= SearchAndReplace($AST,"<p>","");
    var text CST= SearchAndReplace($BST,"</p>","");
    var text DST= SearchAndReplace($CST,"<strong>","");
    var text EST= SearchAndReplace($DST,"</strong>","");
    var text FST= SearchAndReplace($EST,"<ol>","");
    var text GST= SearchAndReplace($FST,"</ol>","");
    var text HST= SearchAndReplace($GST,"<li>","");
    var text IST= SearchAndReplace($HST,"</li>","");
    var text JST= SearchAndReplace($IST,"</span>","");
    var text KST= SearchAndReplace($JST,"&nbsp;"," ");
    var text LST= SearchAndReplace($KST,"&#8203;","");
    var text MST = SearchAndReplace($LST,"&amp;","&"); 
    var text NST= SearchAndReplace($MST,"</a>","");

    var text NoteNew = $MST;

    //SPT = Start Position Tag
    //EPT = Eng Position Tag

    // 1st Tag (A)
    var number ASPT = (Length(Left($NoteNew,"<")))+1;
    var number AEPT = Length(Left($NoteNew,">"))+1;
    var number ALength = $AEPT-$ASPT+1;
    var text ATag = Mid($NoteNew, $ASPT, $Alength);
    var text ANote = SearchAndReplace($NoteNEw,$ATag,"");
    //2nd Tag (B)
    var number BSPT = (Length(Left($ANote,"<")))+1;
    var number BEPT = Length(Left($ANote,">"))+1;
    var number BLength = $BEPT-$BSPT+1;
    var text BTag = Mid($ANOTE, $BSPT, $Blength);
    var text BNote = SearchAndReplace($ANote,$BTag,"");
    //3nd Tag (C)
    var number CSPT = (Length(Left($BNote,"<")))+1;
    var number CEPT = Length(Left($BNote,">"))+1;
    var number CLength = $CEPT-$CSPT+1;
    var text CTag = Mid($BNOTE, $CSPT, $Clength);
    var text CNote = SearchAndReplace($BNote,$CTag,"");
    //Add more as needed