Forum Discussion
The equivalent of \n for use in a Rich Text field is <br>
as in BReak to a new line.
so try
"<font color=indianred><font size=2><B>"
& "***DISCLAIMER***"
& "<br>"
& "Please direct those requests to the appropriate Product Team."
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- ChayceDuncan10 months agoQrew Captain
You can also separate your lines using <p> tags since they're block elements and will appear on their own lines like:
<p>note goes here</p>
The advantage is that you can style each individually to your hearts content such as making the Disclaimer bigger/bold/red etc like:
<p style='font-size: 20pt; color:red; font-weight:bold'>DISCLAIMER**</p>
<p>note goes here</p>
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- VanessaAlexande10 months agoQrew Member
can you show me how to underline Disclaimer?
Vanessa Alexander
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan10 months agoQrew Captain
Sure - you can either apply an underline style or add a border if you wanted to make it thicker or play with color as an example:
Strict underline:
<p style='text-decoration:underline'>DISCLAIMER</p>
Or with a border:
<p style='border-bottom: 1px solid black;'>DISCLAIMER</p>
Chayce Duncan
- VanessaAlexande10 months agoQrew Member
You're amazing. Thank you so much. This worked!
Vanessa Alexander