Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
3 years agoTry this as a formula text field to tag the date range.
[cln enc date - date] > Today(), "Future",
Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(7), "Current Week",
Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(14), "Last Week",
Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(21), "Previous Week", "Older Weeks")
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
[cln enc date - date] > Today(), "Future",
Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(7), "Current Week",
Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(14), "Last Week",
Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(21), "Previous Week", "Older Weeks")
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
2 years agoQrew Member
would this formula apply to a field that uses numbers instead of a date but still a range? For example: if ([days open] <= 0-22 and [HIPO/HVL] = "HVL", "In Progress")
Tonya Jacques
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
Are you trying to check if the numeric value is between 0 and 22?
If so, then it would be
[days open] >=0 and [days open] <= 22 and [HIPO/HVL] = "HVL", "In Progress")
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- TonyaJacques2 years agoQrew Member
Yes that worked for me! Thank you!
Tonya Jacques
------------------------------- BobThomas12 years agoQrew Cadet
I was on vacation, actually six pet sitting (4 cats & 2 dogs), so I printed this out when I got home. I will look at.
I actually was going to work on this task, and see I posted a year ago. Thanks, may have time tomorrow.
Bob T.