Forum Discussion

DougSwanson1's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

I would like to create a new Parent record on a form and relate existing childrean to that parent.

Another way to say all the children are already created....then I am creating a new parent in a form....and would like a picklist of existing children I can relate to the parent. 

2 Replies

  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    hi Doug

    Create the parent table and then use the Relationship interface to create the relationship. Do you know how to do that?

    the [Related {Parent} ID#] is the foreign key field in the child table that associates parent >> to child.

    You can either import en masse the [Related Parent ID] into the child records, being careful to include the child Record ID#s in the import; or, you can edit each child record one at a time to select its parent.

    Does this make sense? Let us know if we can be of further assistance.

  • I see two choices,

    Option 1. 

    Low tech is to show a report link field on a form of all children which are not linked to parents.  The user would then go into edit mode and using Copy and paste in grid edit, select any children by selecting the correct parent.

    Option 2.

    Contact me and I will set you up with a way to land the user on a report of orphan children.  The user would click click click and have full access to search and Dynamic filters to attach children, and then link back to the parent to see the parent with its children now attached.  That usually takes 1-2 hours to set up.