Forum Discussion

MikeTamoush's avatar
Qrew Commander
3 years ago

Ideas needed for auto import of data

I receive an email once a week with a file attached. I can choose if the file is xls or csv. The column names are an exact match to my field names so I can so a simple import (drag and drop file) to QB to upload. I am looking to automate that process. My issues:

1. When using the csv, apparently there are multiple formats (UTF-8 and UTF-16). The file I receive is UTF-16, which can not be imported for a table sync, nor can be upload as an import. Essentially, QB, will not accept my csv.

2. XLS can not be used for a sync table.

Juiced tech has a couplet of add-ons that would allow me to do this, but getting two external add-ons to perform once simple import seems excessive.

Any other ideas? Anyone run into the UTF-8/16 conflict before and have any work arounds? I could save as another file type, then upload to box to sync, but that takes longer than my current solution of simply dragging the file to import. Would love to have this last step automated.

Mike Tamoush
  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    I have seen this one before.  Mule would handle this.  I can connect you to an expert.

    Don Larson
    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander

      Hey Don,


      Is Mule a consulting firm or something? Can I get info?