Forum Discussion
The formula you have is a good start - something like:
IF ( isnull([Appointment Estimated End Time]), [Appointment Start Time] + Hours (1), [Appointment Estimated End Time])
where it will add 1 hour to start if there is no end time, else use the end time.
Chayce Duncan
- JillianP11 months agoQrew Member
I'm not having any luck. The field "Est. End Time" isn't identified within the formula field of "Est. End Time". Date / Time and Time of Day fields don't seem to like being in the same formula?
My fields are as follows:
"WO Date" - (Date)
"Appt. Time" - (Time of Day)
"Est. End Time" - (Time of Day)
"Appt. TimeStamp Start Date/Time" - (Formula Date/Time)
-- ToTimestamp ([WO Date], [Appt. Time]) --
"Appt. TimeStamp End Date/Time" - (Formula Date/Time)
-- ToTimestamp ([WO Date], [Est. End Time]) --
Which field would your formula go under?
"Est. End Time" does not want to reference itself within a formula.
Jillian P
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan11 months agoQrew Captain
Just so I can make sure I still understand - you created future records that have a start date & start time but they don't have a end date / end time so you're trying to simply add an hour to start time so it appears on reports correct?
If I'm close - then the formula you should be updating is the appt. timestamp end date/time with some version of what I provided but now updated since you provided your field names:
Appt. TimeStamp End Date/Time
If( isnull([Appointment Estimated End Time]),
[Appt. TimeStamp Start Date/Time] + Hours (1),
ToTimestamp ([WO Date], [Est. End Time]))
Chayce Duncan