Forum Discussion

PaulEaston's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
4 years ago

If check box is checked, user name recorded and displayed -- how to accomplish ths?

I want to add a checkbox to a form that when checked, the users name appears on the form. 

Basically, it will be a QC checkbox only editable by certain users. When a user performs the QC and click on the QC Pass checkbox, I want their name to be displayed on the form. 

I could just have a name field and the QC reviewer could just select his/her name, but clicking on a checkbox is easier.

Paul Easton
  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    If you want to set this to their Quickbase User, this can be done with a Form Rule.   Here is a screen capture showing an example.

    However if you have built an employee table and you want to relate the Project to an Employee that performed the QC action:

    This is a more complicated process and requires a much more detailed answer.  This second case is much better for a host of follow on business reasons but if it is not necessary than the first solution should take you a minute to finish.

    Don Larson
    Westlake OH
    • PaulEaston's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      I noted that rule, but was thinking that it would runs if the box is checked, then the current user's name is shown. 

      If the rule is only triggered by the clicking of the check box and then the value become static, that is indeed exactly what I'm look for. I'll test it to see how it behaves.

      Paul Easton
      • DonLarson's avatar
        Qrew Commander

        You may want to add another Rule to hide the Check Box if it is checked. 

        Otherwise the Users can uncheck it, check it again and your first rule will fire again.

        Don Larson
        Westlake OH