Forum Discussion

QuickbaseAdmi15's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

IF Formula in Numeric ( Selected Currency )

Dear Expert, 

I Need some Help to solve my formula as below and I need to calculate Total Amount Price base on currency 

I have fields 
Currency : Multiple choice ( AUD, Euro ) 
qty : Numeric
Price AUD : Numeric
Price Euro : Numeric 
Exchange rate : Numeric 
Total Estimate AUD : Formula-Numeric   --> [qty]*[price AUD] 
Total Estimate Euro : Formula-Numeric   --> [qty]*[Price Euro]

Total Amount Price : Formula Numeric 
So my formula did not work as per text below , I am wondering what went wrong with this formula : 
If ([Currency]="AUD", [Total Estimate AUD],[Estimate Total AUD]*[Exchange rate], 
    [Currency]="Euro", [Total Estimate Euro],[Estimate Total Euro]*[Exchange rate]) 

However I get some error 
Help ? :)

Quickbase Admin
  • Hi There Quickbase Admin!

    Happy to help with this one!

    From what your formula reads:

    If ([Currency]="AUD", [Total Estimate AUD],[Total Estimate AUD]*[Exchange rate],
    --> This is saying to display the [Total Estimate AUD] field when the [Currency] field equals "AUD", ELSE (so if it equals "Euro" being that from your description, there are only two choices), it runs [Total Estimate AUD]*[Exchange rate]

    [Currency]="Euro", [Total Estimate Euro],[Total Estimate Euro]*[Exchange rate])

    --> This states a similar process, but for "Euro", so now there are two clashing conditions for the "Euro" selection.

    Would you mind giving some detail as to what you are trying to achieve / display so I can better help troubleshoot the formula?

    Thank you!

    Manny De La Cruz
    Customer Adoption Manager
    • QuickbaseAdmi15's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi Manny , Thanks for helping me out 

      So basically I want the Total Amount Price is in total from either currency "AUD" or "Euro" with the exchange rate calculation already. 
      Total Estimate AUD : Formula-Numeric   --> [qty]*[price AUD] 
      Total Estimate Euro : Formula-Numeric   --> [qty]*[Price Euro]

      Total Amount Prince : 
      If currency "AUD" then calculate Total Estimate AUD * Exchange Rate , 
      else currency "Euro" then calculate Total Estimate Euro * Exchange Rate 

      I tried with this formula but didnt work. Any idea whats the best way to do with the formula ? 
      I hope I explain it clear , I am only beginning with the formula functions. 

      Quickbase Admin
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        try this

        [Currency]="Euro", [qty]*[Price Euro],

        [Currency]="AUD", [qty]*[Price AUD])

        Mark Shnier (YQC)