Forum Discussion

BobThomas's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Import Feedback datatable into Feedback App into Tickets Table

Okay, this isn't too difficult for me to do if I were to copy and paste, I don't think.

That said, our company has decided to have a Feedback App with a table called Tickets. The Tickets table has numerous fields that have been added since using Feedback tables in various Apps.

There are about half a dozen Apps that we have added Feedback too. Now they are still on the different Apps, but all Apps have a new Feedback Submit Button, which will take the Feedback submitted and place it in a separate App called Feedback. 

The Feedback App table is called Tickets and it has many fields. Some of the added fields include Business Objective, Resource Assigned, several fields of Completed by. 

This is working well, but I need to move the old Feedback records from each of the other half a dozen or so Apps into the new Tickets Table in the Feedback Application.

Fortunately all the fields, of which there are 12 (including the built in QB fields), so that only 4 to 7 fields are populated with data. There are matching fields on the new Tickets table which has many more fields. 

Of course the old Feedback records will not have data in the new fields added when they are imported. 

I really just want to add the old records into the new datatable. Then if there happens to be duplicate records, I can find them, and there should be few if any and merge.

I have downloaded one Apps Feedback table data & also the Feedback App's Tickets table. Now I need to just add the records from the old table into the new table. 

I think it probably is easier with Excel but wonder if it is possible in Quick Base?

I see that I can create a brand new table in a new App, but when I try to create a table in an App already with tables, I have found that I have to first upload it to a Service, and I use Google Drive because I have several Google accounts.

Bob Thomas
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