Forum Discussion

JulieMeeker's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Import From CSV File Attachment

I have a PO app that I would like to create child "item" records from a cvs file that is a file attachment on the parent record.  I imagine this would be a Bulk action in a pipeline.  Does the file attachment actually a URL to reference?  Has anyone done something like this?  Could this also be done with a Formula URL button?  

Julie Meeker
  • I have been meaning to test this myself, but I believe this person be done with a Pipeline. There is supposed to be a step in the QuickBase channel to import from CSV. So you should be able to trigger when the file is uploaded on a parent and then use the native QuickBase pipeline step to create the children. Let me know if you're successful because it's on my to do list to try this myself. 

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      ... actually, I think it's done with the CSV handler channel and then iterate over CSV to create the children.

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
      • JulieMeeker's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        This amazingly WORKED!  I used the trigger On New Event in case they add the csv later or when they actually added the PO Header.  Then I used the Import with CSV step under Bulk Record Sets.  There is a field for the URL of the file attachments.  I did have to then search the Items records to find the new ones and then Update to relate the PO parent record.  I could not see a way around that step.  Anyway, pretty slick.  You should definitely give it a try! 

        Julie Meeker