Forum Discussion
You'll need to do a vlookup to match the 'Record ID#' from Table A based on some match value in Table B that you can lookup. The idea is that you need to get the Record ID# of Table A to import into 'Related Table A Record'
So lets say you have Projects and Tasks and you're importing Tasks, you need to find the value of 'Related Project' using the "Project Name" in your task data. You would export the Project Data including Project Name and Record ID# as a column and do the vlookup to match project name to project name to get the RID value to import.
Chayce Duncan
Thanks for the response, Tasks into Projects is precisely what I'm doing. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I have the value for the record IDs in the Excel spreadsheet I'm importing already. However the Project - Record ID# field is not selectable from the import screen, none of the relational fields are actually.
Drew Harms
- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
You should be importing into the reference field that defines the relationship - so in all likelihood that is 'Related Project'
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------ - DonLarson2 years agoQrew Elite
If you do this operation frequently, look at the Xl Importer from Juiced Tech, @Keith Jusas . Once you map the fields, you can let it do the work over and over again.
Don Larson