Forum Discussion

deldridgdeldrid's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

In what order do Actions, Webhooks, and Automations fire?

I have several instances where I use an Action to write a new record in a "history" table when certain fields are modified, and the history record includes the User who made the change.  To do this, I write [Last Modified By] from the parent record to [Changed By] on the history record.  The problem is that sometimes other Actions, Webhooks, or Automations also change the parent record, so by the time the history record is written, [Last Modified By] has been changed to the admin account used to create whichever Action/Webhook/Automation fired immediately before.  I assume there's no way to control the order among all three kinds of workflow, but within each set is there a way to control the order?  Do they fire in order by name, or the date/time they were created?  If not, can you please suggest ways to make sure a certain Action knows which user made the change so that the history record is accurate?

2 Replies

  • If you can, try putting the some or all of the separate automations together into a single Automation so they follow in the sequence you want them to happen.
  • I believe you may be better served by having the webhook only with the corresponding service using the QB APIs triggering the Actions/Automations from externally.  If you think it's a good approach, please reach out and I can try to help.  Cheers, Imran

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