Forum Discussion

SteveDavidson's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Inline CSS Styling of Images in Notification Emails

I have a rich text field that uses the below code to display an image from the web if a url is entered in the imageURL field, otherwise it will display the image using the url in the backupimage field...
  • SteveDavidson's avatar
    5 years ago
    As an update to this, removing the 'px' from the width specification seemed to work, and the images are properly re-sized in HTML email notifications now in Outlook and Gmail. Here's the working code in case anyone stumbles upon this post in the future:

    var text backupimage = [backupimage];
    var text storyimage ="<center><a href='"&[originalLink]&"' target='_blank'><img width='150' src='"&[imageURL]&"'></a></center>";


    The [backupimage] field is also a formula rich-text field with a similar <img> tag, but with a hard-coded image URL.

    Thanks again Sam!

    Steve Steve