Forum Discussion

PaulPaul1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
12 years ago

Is is possible to update child records when a parent record status changes?

We're using Quickbase for keeping track of our code releases, when development on all components of a build is complete they go through a round of testing.
If they all pass they're released to a clean testing environment for internal testing, assuming they all pass again they're released to a user acceptance testing environment and retested, assuming they all pass again, they're released to live.
If they fail at any point, they go back to development and start the process from scratch.

At the moment we have a master table, Builds, and a child table Components, the tables are connected with a one-many relationship.
In the child Components table we have a "Testing Status" field. Once all Components have a Testing Status of Passed a formula field in Builds flags that the Build is ready to move to the next environment.
In the parent Builds table we have an "Environment" field.

What I would like is that when the Environment field is updated, all child records of that build will have their Testing Status reset to pending, but I can't figure out how to do this. Does anyone have any ideas?
  • You will need a series of summary fields to determine the status, and a series of formula fields to auto populate the Status based on the child status. Rather than try to document everything you will need here, it would be easier for me to explain this offline. Please feel free to contact me.
  • Hi, so if I have Parent Record I'll set it's Field Status = closed, I need to update all child record for status to Closed as well