Forum Discussion

JeremyAnson's avatar
Qrew Cadet
9 years ago

Is it possible to hide the first column of a QuickBase report (which can show view/edit icons)? I have no view/edit options set up and want to remove the empty column.

Is it possible to hide the first column of a QuickBase report (which can show view/edit icons)? I have no view/edit options set up and want to remove the empty column as it is taking up a reasonable amount of space and forcing data in other columns to wrap.


10 Replies

  • Yes this is possible with script. I added it to my Reframe With Router Demo on the query named "Flank ball tip pork chop swine tail sausage pork loin porchetta pastrami filet mignon alcatra shoulder beef." That's a mouthful!

    Just visit the following page and (1) navigate to the the Clients table, (2) click "REPORTS & CHARTS" and finally (3) click on the query "Flank ball tip pork chop swine tail sausage pork loin porchetta pastrami filet mignon alcatra shoulder beef." aka qid=14:

    Reframe With Router

    For demonstration purposes I fade the first column out over three seconds but it could be immediately hidden using $(...).hide() instead of $(...).fadeOut(3000). Here is the relevant code the parent frame uses to detect when the above query is loaded into the <iframe> so the first column can be removed:

    if (props.dbid == dbidClients && props.a == "q" && props.qid== "14") {
       $("#myIframe").contents().find("#VR_bj3pggjd6_14 thead tr td:first").fadeOut(3000);                         $("#myIframe").contents().find("#VR_bj3pggjd6_14 tbody tr td.icr").fadeOut(3000);

    See attached screenshot after fadeOut completes.

    If you find this answer confusing you might want to read this post first:

    What is the Reframing Technique?

    If you are still confused ask a question.
  • Thanks very much - I read the post explaining the Reframing Technique and I think I understand how it works - very clever!

    I couldn't get the Reframe With Router demo to work, though. I followed the link to, but could only see the 'List All' report for the Clients table. Sorry if I've missed something obvious.

  • It works for me when I log out and use Chrome so I think you are not following the correct navigation. Once the page comes up just follow these three step: (1) navigate to the the Clients table, (2) click "REPORTS & CHARTS" and finally (3) click on the query "Flank ball tip pork chop swine tail sausage pork loin porchetta pastrami filet mignon alcatra shoulder beef." aka qid=14.
  • Hi,
    Have retried logged in and logged out using Chrome and IE and can now see 2 reports - List All and Filet mignon kielbasa sirloin short ribs ground round tail - but not qid=14. Sorry!
  • >Have retried logged in and logged out using Chrome and IE and can now see 2 reports - List All and Filet mignon kielbasa sirloin short ribs ground round tail - but not qid=14. Sorry!
    It is listed under Common with Participant role for Everyone On the Internet.
  • Try it again - apparently I had did not allowed access to all the Common reports!
  • BTW, I just realized that I can probably get rid of inner.html altogether and set the role home page property directly to outer.html instead of "use default". I will keep tweaking this demo in the coming days and weeks to make it simpler to use including adding a real router / dispatch table optimized for QuickBase URLs. Conceptually you would add a bunch or routes something like this:

    QBRouter.addRoute("db/bj3pggjd6?a=td", handler1);
    QBRouter.addRoute("db/bj3pggjd6?a=q&qid=1", handler2);

    And when the frame URL changes you would call the appropriate handler functions (with the subdomain, dbid and query string passed as an argument) for those URLs that match the Route's pattern:


    This will make is dead simple to create new routes to observe and modify any QuickBase page!
  • StephanieHarris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Dan, Could I alter this to exclude any column or two columns?  For example on a summary report I don't want the last two columns to show
    • _anomDiebolt_'s avatar
      Qrew Elite
      I am sure this can be done with script but the original post is years old so ask a new questions and include (1) the URL of the page (I need to see the action and any parameters in the URL) and (2) a screenshot.