Forum Discussion

JuanSolorio1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
10 years ago

Is it possible to open a specific report when clicking on a chart section?

Currently, when users click on a section of a pie chart, they are taken to a line item report in the underlying table. The problem is that this report shows all of the default columns for that table. I want this report to show only specific columns (about 6 columns of the 22 that are default). Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

7 Replies

  • Hi Juan,

    Thanks for posting at the Community! Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to specify a different report to use when clicking through charts or summary reports.

    I suggest adding that request at because that's the site our developers use to determine potential customer impact of new features, so if they see a number of customers would use that feature, it's more likely to get implemented down the road.

    Gene Bixler

    QuickBase Care Team
  • It is now possible to set a report to "drill down" into when clicking on a chart, summary report or summary field! For a report, you can find this option towards the bottom of the report settings, and for a summary field, you can find this option on the properties of the summary field.
    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      How, exactly, does one get this to work? I have a summary report (with grouped columns, if that makes any difference) and have defined a report to drill down into. When clicking on a value to drill down into, I get no results displayed. When I go immediately into the drill down report's filters, I see that the original filters are duplicated and a new set if filters has been added. 

      Is there some trick to creating the drill down reports? 
    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      The drilldown report will use the filters from the parent/master report in addition to any existing filters on the selected drilldown report.

      You will want to make a "drilldown" report with the styling and columns you want, BUT make sure there are zero filters applied.

      Then make that report the drilldown, when clicked, from a graph for example, it will apply those new filters from the parent report. 

      Let me know if you get stuck.
    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Thanks, Matthew. I saw the feature on the release notes but never found any detailed instructions.

      What you posted works perfectly for my summary reports that don't require user's to select criteria before hand (such as a date range or category or whatever). Thanks you again for your help.

      I'm still running into the issue I mentioned above, though, with any summary report that has user inputted criteria. Would you have any insight on that?