Forum Discussion

DannyShulman's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Is it possible to set up a relationship between two fields that allows you to narrow choices.

For Example
Field X (Multiple Choice)- Contains - A,B,C,D,E   
Field Y -  (Multiple Choice) - Contains - 1,2,3,4 .
When the user creates a record using a form.
If you choose A in Field X,  is there a way to only display 1,3  in Field Y?

1 Reply

  • I haven't had experience with it, but was also looking into this possibility of Conditional Dropdowns this morning actually.  It looks like this can be done only through a reference field from a relational table.  So if you were to create a separate table for those multiple choice fields and join it to the table you are looking to add this to, then you might be able to get it to work.

    This link helps explain it a bit more.