Forum Discussion

PatriciaPatrici's avatar
Qrew Member
8 years ago

Is there away to keep people from coping a record in a table?

Is there away to keep people from coping a record in a table?
  • If you mean the More .. copy this record, then yes.

    Go into the edit mode of the form and right click on every data entry field one by one to get at its field properties and and uncheck the box about copy this field when copying a record.
  • There is no easier way to not be able to copy a record other than having to go to each field???
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    You might not have to do it to all the fields, but just the key fields that might be causing the duplicated information.

    I had an instance where we had a conditional field on a form.  They were copying the record and only changing the first drop-down, but not the second.  Thus the records were not connected properly.

    All we had to do was unchecked the box, in the field properties for those 2 fields.  Thus it kept the data correct when they picked both drop-downs.