I come from a bit of a JIRA background, and a nice thing about their Kanban workflow was the ability to group columns.
I have a fairly small issue lifecycle list that looks like this:
- Open - New
- Open - In Progress
- Blocked - Needs Info
- Blocked - Can't Do
- Rejected - Won't Do
- Rejected - Duplicate
- Rejected - Inapplicable
- Rejected - Unable to Replicate
- QA - Ready for Testing
- QA - Testing Complete
- Complete - Done
So, 11. Of course I'm 1 over.. Story of my life. haha
But this is a very simple workflow or lifecycle for a task. This could become far more complex if you get into 3rd party review and other such things.
I don't know what the answer could be, but I can't see how I could setup an issue tracker with any fewer steps. I say let me use 50 columns if I want. Why do you care if my report is hard to read? (Note: I'm not in any way trying to be an ass. I'm just stating a point. Why limit it at all? Let me make an ugly report if it doesn't factor into any additional burden for you guys. The anger of the folks I make use the report later will force me to change it.)
Thanks for your consideration and feedback.