Forum Discussion
Qrew Captain
In the field settings you can change the display value to a # of digits under the display section
Chayce Duncan
11 months agoQrew Member
Thanks Chayce - I did this for the regular table fields (appreciate it), but there's no option to do this for a calculated field being created for a report, like standard deviation, right?
Ry Marcattilio-McCracken
- ChayceDuncan11 months agoQrew Captain
Ah now I see - you're using the summary report and using the stnd deviation there. Unfortunately that particular method doesn't have rounding settings - but what you could try is the Summary formulas down below. If you define a summary variable and create your stnd deviation field - you can then reference it in the formula build and just copy / round it there to be used.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- RyMarcattilio-M11 months agoQrew Member
Thanks Chayce - you nailed it. Fixed. Appreciate your help so much.
Ry Marcattilio-McCracken