Forum Discussion
3 years agoQrew Captain
Could you elaborate on Jinja Random function ?
Prashant Maheshwari
Prashant Maheshwari
3 years agoQuickbase Staff
Here is a Pipeline to select a given percent of records from a table. I use 2 "Make Request" steps, as they are very efficient at traversing a VERY large data sets and performing data transformations on the data as it moves through the pipeline. I can filter the source records by any field. In this example, I'm filtering on "Dimension_01" (FID[11]).
STEP A) This Make Request step scans the entire data set from a source table.
The URL is;
The Body is;
* replace "ttttttttt" with the table ID for your source table
STEP B) This Make Request step is where the random selection is performed.
The URL is;
The Body is;
Here is a view of the first few rows of the test table.
Lynn Hedegard
STEP A) This Make Request step scans the entire data set from a source table.
The URL is;
The Body is;
{% set myData_Set_01 = "ttttttttt" %}.
"from": "{{myData_Set_01}}",
{# Dimension 01 #}
"where": " {11.EX.'A'}OR{11.EX.'B'}OR{11.EX.'C'}OR{11.EX.'D'}OR{11.EX.'E'}"
* replace "ttttttttt" with the table ID for your source table
STEP B) This Make Request step is where the random selection is performed.
The URL is;
The Body is;
{% set myData_Set_01 = "ttttttttt" %}
"to": "{{myData_Set_01}}",
{% set mySamplePerc = 20 | int() %}
{% set glob_var = namespace(cnt=0) %}
{% set myCNT = 0 | int() %}
{% for myCurrRecord in ( %}
{% set myRandNum = range(1, 100) | random | int() %}
{# Global Cnt #}
"value": "{{glob_var.cnt}}"
"3": {
{# Record ID #}
"value": "{{myCurrRecord['3'].value}}"
{# The Random Number.
Placed in the table only for test validation #}
"value": "{{myRandNum}}"
{# Selected Checkbox #}
{% if (myRandNum <= mySamplePerc) and (glob_var.cnt < 20) %}
"value": "{{1}}"
{# increment count by 1 #}
{% set glob_var.cnt = glob_var.cnt + 1 %}
{% else %}
"value": "{{0}}"
{% endif %}
{% if loop.last == false %},{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
Here is a view of the first few rows of the test table.
- The random records selected are designated via the "Selected_01" checkbox.
- myGlobalCnt is a running count of the number of selected records.
- The Dimension_01 field is there to show how you can filter the rows in STEPA
Lynn Hedegard