Forum Discussion

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Qrew Captain
10 years ago

Logging Changes in a field breaks a formula. How can I log the changes and keep the formula?

Thanks in advance for any help someone can give me!

I have two tables: Tickets and Requests. The user views a record on the Ticket table and submits a request through a button on the Ticket record. As the requests are submitted on the Request form (attached to a Ticket record), the Request status goes in as a "pending" status in the status field. Another user will change that to "approved."

I have changed this Request status field to log changes (for audit).

On the Tickets table, there is a field called Total Quantity Approved. This is a summary field where it will summarize the number of tickets that have attached Request where the status is pointing to "pending" or "approved."

I have a formula field on the Ticket form (Total Available Tickets) that takes Total Tickets Received (a figure input when the record is created) and subtracts Total Quantity Approved. All of my reports hinge on this formula.

This formula is broken, now and won't work. I believe it's because I'm now logging the changes, and it doesn't just say Approved or Pending, it says the name and date of the user who changed the status.

Is there a way to log changes and allow my formula to continue to work?

3 Replies

  • No problem. maintain your current field but rename it to be Request Status Update. Show that field only in Edit mode.

    Make new fields to parse out any or all of the three components of a logged field - the WHO did it WHEN and said WHAT.

    Last Updated Value

    Trim(Right([my update field]),"]"))

    Date of most recent update (this needs to be a formula date field)

    ToDate(Left(Right([my update field],"["),9))

    Who did the most recent update (formula text field type)

    Trim(NotLeft(Left(Right([my update field,"["),"]"),9))

    So in your case you want the first one as a formula,text field, and then show that field on all reports and also In View mode of the form.

  • QuickBase should have better articles. This article does not help us at all. 
  • Hi Claude,
    Sorry that my post did not help you. I suggest that you post a new question and someone will jump in to answer you.