Forum Discussion

ShalomEguale's avatar
Qrew Member
11 months ago

Lookup field in pipeline


I'm having an issue adding a lookup field to my pipeline.

I want to update my current records when a criteria is met and then create a copy of the records. So I set up my pipeline like this:

  1. Search records when a specific query is met
  2. Then update the records
  3. Then create new records

The first 2 steps work fine. However, on the third step, I'm able to set values from step one into the new fields created in step 3 but the site ID field does not show up. The Site ID field is a lookup field from a relating table. This field is very necessary because it is used to populate data in some of the other calculated fields in the form. So when I copy the records, this field has to be there.

Just wondering if anyone has found a work around.

  • If Site ID is a lookup field in the table then it won't appear because you're  not able to manually update the value. You need to make sure you're updating the 'Related Site' field as part of your copy - and in doing so the value of Site ID should populate along with the relationship being set through Related Site. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • ShalomEguale's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hi Chayce,

      I'm still working on this and decided to take another approach but I'm still having issues figuring this out.

      My new approach is to copy data in the fields from one table to another in the same app.

      So the pipeline needs to find the records from table A and copy that data into table B. I have the same fields in table B, the only difference is that I changed all the calculated and lookup fields to a regular text field. (because table B is only meant to house the data at the specific time the pipeline is run. Formulas or relationships aren't needed so the data will not change)

      I started the pipeline by adding Search Records, I put in table A info and selected all the fields. Then the next step is Create Records. I put in table B info and selected all table B fields in the 'Select fields to specify values' box. 

      The issue I am having is in the 'Select fields to specify values for when the record is created' part. First problem is that not all the fields from table B are showing. I do have them selected in the 'Select fields to specify values' box but they are not showing under. And yes, I did use the 'more' arrow to check.

      Second problem is that not all the fields from table A shows in the drag and drop box on the side (mainly the lookup fields).

      Not sure if it's because I have a lot of fields (about 200) or if its because I'm trying to copy some data from a lookup field to a text field but I'm stuck.

      Shalom Eguale
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        That all makes sense - by chance did you create the Pipeline and then change all of the fields from formula/lookup to static text? It sounds like the Pipeline might have an old schema and doesn't show those fields because it still thinks they aren't editable. Try to 'Refresh schemas' in the upper right hand corner of the Pipeline under the 3 dots. 

        Once the schema is refreshed, give the page a quick refresh and see if the fields then appear in the dropdown as available to write information into. 

        Chayce Duncan