Forum Discussion

ChrisNewsome's avatar
Qrew Captain
3 years ago

Lookup Fields / Drop down options

So I'm trying to accomplish a couple of things here. First, we install custom closets. So I have a table called "Installations" which is used to schedule the jobs (installs). I have a separate table called "installers" that I use to track our installers. Originally I created this relationship (Installers>Installations) and used a Multiple Choice field that did a "lookup" from the list of installers, and that worked for that immediate need. Now I'd like to be able to generate reports for the installers as to what jobs they worked on, $ value, etc., to track their efficiency. 

I can't seem to figure out how to get the list of installers to work so that the information would populate back to the parent field - i.e., I should be able to go to the installer table/record and see a list of all jobs (installs) they were on, but I'm getting zero results. I feel like this should be QB101 but I'm hitting a wall.

Here's a couple of goals:

Some jobs need 2 installers, so I have to duplicate this into a second field so we can assign 2 installers to the same job.

I need to be able to get that installation data back on that installer's record so that I can run reports to see that data.

Nice to have: I mark the installer's status as "active" or "inactive" (for terminations, etc.) so I'd like the drop downs to be conditional based on that status, so I don't see every installer that ever worked for us when selecting them.

Chris Newsome

12 Replies

  • I'm a bit confused.  You said that you had a relationship where One Installer has many Installations based on a field called, say, Related Installer  #1. ​  Then you are looking up their userid and their name, I suppose.

    But in your post you referred to a multiple choice field to select the installer?   What is the Key field of your Installer table?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • ChrisNewsome's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Yes so originally I set up a Text - Multiple Choice field where the input type is set as "from another field" and points to the installer table / name field. The key field is always the Record ID for my tables.

      Chris Newsome
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I suggest that you Copy you app to make this suggested change before implementing in your live app.

        Change the Key field of the Installer Table to be the Installers Name field.  Then make a relationship where one installer has many installations based on that existing field.

        If you have an Installer 2 field, then you will make a second relationshp.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)