Forum Discussion

PaulBolton's avatar
Qrew Member
8 years ago

Manage predecessors in reverse.

Is there a setting to manage how multiple predecessors are
used. i.e. late or early start?

e.g. It currently defaults to the predecessor with maximum date. This works fine when we use predecessors normally because you want the next task to only start when last task /multiple processors have ended.  

By using predecessors in reverse you would need the minimum start date to be used

1 Reply

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I don't believe predecessors will be able to do that for you (but I have limited experience with them)

    There are a few different ways to have the same affect without using predecessor fields.  
    Can you describe your use case a little more, and current set up? 
    What is the problem you are trying to solve for?