Forum Discussion

AdityaBhandar's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Mass change multiple rows based on a filter

 I am in the process of creating a table by automatically uploading from SFTP server.

Assume that I have a table with 1000 Customers X 10 Column with customer details. Say these 1000 customers are from 10 states and I want to give the user an ability to mass change customers in his/her state. 

Say, the user filters Texas and would like to mass change address of 20 out of 100 customers in Texas. How can one copy and past from excel into QB table that can allow updates of multiple customers at the same time.


Sivaram Bhandaru
  • Can you tell us the Key field of the Customer table.  Is it just Record ID# or or perhaps a Custom Key field such as Customer Account #.​​

    But I guess regardless of your answer the system would need to have a way to match up your copy and paste from excel so it knew which records to update. If your Excel sheet could have the key field of the customer table included either the Record ID or the custom Key field then you could simply import the Excel sheet being careful only to import fields that you want changed because if you include fields and put a blank value for those fields then it will blank out the value in that field.  

    If Excel sheet does not have the key field of the QuickBase table then it gets a little more complicated.  You would need to match on something else like the customer name. That would assume that the customer name is spelled absolutely perfectly the same as in QuickBase.  If you went that route you could import data into a temporary table and run a pipeline to search for matching customer accounts and do the update. But of course that starts to get more complicated, specially if you want flexibility as to which fields the user is updating.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • AdityaBhandar's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Thank you for the reply Mark. Let me make it much simpler. Key field is customer #.

      ​But, say I filtered on State=TX, and want to update Street Name of first 10 rows (customers). 

      Can I copy and paste from excel to update top 10 street names keeping all other fields the same?

      Sivaram Bhandaru
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Oh, you mean can you copy from Excel into Grid Edit?  I don't have a Windows machine to test with, but I recall in the past that the native Microsoft Browsers "play nicely" with Microsoft Excel being copied into Grid Edit. 

        So try using Edge or what ever the Microsoft browser is a called these days and you can probably copy in column by column.  You may also get it to work with Firefox, but I'm not sure.  I guess what I am saying is that your ability to copy from excel into Grid Edit will be browser specific.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)