4 years agoQrew Member
Mass change multiple rows based on a filter
I am in the process of creating a table by automatically uploading from SFTP server.
Assume that I have a table with 1000 Customers X 10 Column with customer details. Say these 1000 customers are from 10 states and I want to give the user an ability to mass change customers in his/her state.
Say, the user filters Texas and would like to mass change address of 20 out of 100 customers in Texas. How can one copy and past from excel into QB table that can allow updates of multiple customers at the same time.
Sivaram Bhandaru
I am in the process of creating a table by automatically uploading from SFTP server.
Assume that I have a table with 1000 Customers X 10 Column with customer details. Say these 1000 customers are from 10 states and I want to give the user an ability to mass change customers in his/her state.
Say, the user filters Texas and would like to mass change address of 20 out of 100 customers in Texas. How can one copy and past from excel into QB table that can allow updates of multiple customers at the same time.
Sivaram Bhandaru