Forum Discussion
Are you able to move them outside of Quickbase versus downloading? For example can you move them to Box, Google Drive or Sharepoint? Mass downloading would require a code page but you're likely to hit browser issues and more annoyance than it's worth. Your best bet is to make a pipeline that moves the files you don't want to a true file storage service, even just temporarily and then download them from there.
Chayce Duncan
There is a browser extension called download them all which has kind of a confusing, user interface, but does run like a bat out of hell. Basically you run some kind of list all report that has all your file attachments and start this extension and it just fires them all into a folder on your computer.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- juliemcclenic2 years agoQrew Trainee
Thank you Mark. I did try that yesterday but it did not find all the attachments. Only a handful. Weird interface for sure too :)
julie mcclenic
------------------------------- MikeTamoush2 years agoQrew Commander
When you say it did not find all the attachments: Were all your attachments physically visible on your monitor, or did you have to scroll down to see some? The download them all isn't downloading everything on the web page, it is downloading everything shown on your monitor. We had this issue as well, and we found if we used ctrl plus mouse scroll to make everything tiny and show everything on one screen, it grabbed all our attachments.
Mike Tamoush
------------------------------- juliemcclenic2 years agoQrew Trainee
Oh ok, that is super helpful thank you. I will do that then. Thanks :)
julie mcclenic