Forum Discussion

SarahSarah's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Master account w/ sub account numbers

We track client revenue with a SaaS and the revenue is associated to a client by account ID. However, due to the nature of our business model, we sometimes need to separate revenue for one client into several different accounts because they have subclients. Therefore, there are situations where we have a master account ID and then 3-4 subaccount IDs. I set up an API to pull revenue from our tracking platform into Quick Base and now I'm looking for ideas on how I can set up a form so that theres one master account ID, but sub account IDs can be added under the master account as needed (and then link to the API by account ID). I know I could just add empty fields under the main account number, but I figured I would ask the community in case someone has a clever way to do this.

1 Reply

  • You'll want to do what's called a 'circular relationship' or 'looping relationship' where you build a relationship with a single table. Essentially, you'll build a relationship where the Clients table is both the Parent and the Child, giving you the ability to have one account act as the Parent to other accounts.