Forum Discussion

BenDellsperger's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Mention / Tag people in microsoft Teams through pipelines

Hello all,

I am currently building out a series of pipelines for notificiations for specific departments based on activity happening within our quickbase database.  I have a user requesting to be mentioned or tagged in notifications that we send through pipelines to our microsoft teams channels.

I have attempted to use @ as i would in teams, and with the simple text, it has not worked.  Is there a way to mention / tag people in automated messages that are coming from the pipelines / microsoft teams integration?


Ben Dellsperger
  • I know this is an old thread but instead of starting a new thread I thought I would post here to see if anyone has come up with a solution.  

  • Did anyone ever come up for a solution for this?

    Sherrie Drummond
  • I had a customer that needed this.   The @feature works easily with Slack but not Teams. They had to get a 3rd party to build a PowerAutomate middleware layer to take the data and then post to Teams.

    This was over a year ago.  If you can find​ a new solution I would love to hear it.

    Don Larson