Forum Discussion
var text URL = URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_OBJECT_PICS]&
"?a=API_GenAddRecordForm" &
"&_fid_9='"& [Record ID#]
"'&z=" & Rurl();
Mark Shnier (YQC)
- DanMcLaughlin4 years agoQrew TraineeNo Joy
The mobile app even asks if i want to save the record and I reply "save" but it does not associate the parent.
Dan McLaughlin
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You4 years ago
Qrew Legend
sorry, I don't have more ideas. Maybe Evan does.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------ - TateForgey11 months agoQrew Assistant Captain
I'm having the same issue here. This seems like it has to work, yet it doesn't. Did you ever find a way to do this?
- MikeTamoush11 months agoQrew Commander
Right now is not a good time to test. See my latest post, but %%rid%% has ceased working on mobile. It broke with the latest update on Sunday, and Customer support has stated 'they are working on a solution', but have not stated if they are making it a priority. If history means anything, Quickbase does NOT fix anything on mobile as a rule (a publicly stated rule). They have been working on a new mobile experience for the last 3 or 4 years and are committed to this experience, rather than fixing anything on the current mobile. If they fix the bug, I will try to post back and then you can try again and we can troubleshoot from there.