Forum Discussion

jkaus's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 months ago

Mobile Forms-Notes


I am building an application with the intended purpose to have the forms filled out on a mobile/tablet device. 


One thing I noticed is the notes I added to one of the form fields does not show up on the mobile. does anyone know how to make sure those notes show up?



  • Check the bottom of your mobile, it will show up in a different order unfortunately.  You will have to build a different form for mobile to control the field order.

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      New Forms will work in mobile mode "soon".  Not sure when "soon" is.  You can ask to be part if the Mobile Beta program or just patiently wait for hopefully not more than a month or two for GA "General Availability" of New for New Style forms working on mobile.

      Until then, the default behavior is to use Legacy style form when the system detects a mobile phone device.  You can see the list of forms in settings.  You will need to locate the Legacy forms in your forms list and rearrange the fields or add fields there.

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        The latest release notes for the release coming in November, there is a link there to register for beta testing for new mobile forms. You might want to register for the testing so you can test a copy of your app. Then you will find that when you use your new style form indeed it is supposed to work on mobile.