Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Modifying Report when 'Full Report' is clicked

Is it possible to select the specific report that is jumped to when clicking 'Full Report' on a report link?

My need / use case is as follows:

In a cross app relationship, when adding a record, the & "&z=" & Rurl() does not work. It will not return from where you launched. My work around is to simply tell it a URL to return to, and I specify where I launched from.

However, if this add record button is embedded in a report link, I suddenly run into an issue.

I can tell it to return to the record with the report link, however if someone clicks 'Full Report' and then uses the add record button, its of course going to return them to the record, and not on their full report.

My instinct is a second button that returns to the report, and is the button they see from the full report is that second button, but I'm not sure that is possible?

Alternatively, is there a way I can note where they launched from so I can make an if statement inside my button?

Mike Tamoush
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