Forum Discussion

ElandirayanJana's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Multi select list to equivalent text in quickbase


 I have a multiselect text field which have 50 to 100 options. User might select upto 4 in the field.

For Example, User might select eyes, nose, teeth, ear, using the formula i need to display appropriate attributes as below.

User selection:  eyes, nose, teeth, ear
I need to display : vision, smelling, white, hearing

User selection is the multi-select text and we need to display the text using formula. Any leads/support is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Elandirayan Janarthanan
  • A formula field with: ToText([Your Multiselect Field]) will output:

    Choice A; Choice B; Choice C

    If you want a comma or something else:

    var text value = ToText([Your Multiselect Field]);

    SearchandReplace($value, " ; ", ",")

    Whatever you put in the final quotes will replace all the semi-colons.

    Michael Tamoush
    • ElandirayanJana's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      HI Michael,

      Thanks for your response.  you are telling search and replace. we are planning to display related attributes based on the user selection. If it is single field we can pull form table and show the associated lookup. It is multiselect text, hence doing research to display the attributes.

      For Example

      If user select above 4 fields we need to display number 1,2,3,4 using formula as an alternate.


      Elandirayan Janarthanan
      • MichaelTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but if you are looking for people to select from a multi select field but display as comma form then you would set your Multiselect Field Form Properties to 'Add or Edit' (so it is only visible in edit mode) and then make a formula field and set it to 'View Only'.  The formula field would be formula text:

        var text value = ToText([Your Multiselect Field]);

        SearchandReplace($value, " ; ", ",")

        All the search and replace does is switch the semi-colons to commas.

        Michael Tamoush