Forum Discussion

StuartGardner's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Multiple Choice Field Options

I have a multiple-choice field that has 8 options, I would like one of these options "resolved" only to be visible to admins. This can't be accomplished natively, but I was wondering if anyone had some custom solutions to this issue

Stuart Gardner

1 Reply

  • Hi Stuart, have you considered switching your multi-choice field over to a parent table instead? That would allow you to set custom permissions for that new table, and restrict who may select "Resolved". You can preview what this would look like this way:

    1. Make a copy of your app.
    2. In the copy, open any report that includes your status field.
    3. Open the column menu, then select New table based on this field.
    4. Follow the prompts to create a new Statuses parent table, whose values will automatically be related to the records in your existing table.

    To get the new table to behave just like a multi-choice field, you can update the field properties so the reference field does not display as a link and then update the record picker on the new table to display just the status field (change it under table properties > advanced settings > default record picker).

    Brian Cafferelli