Forum Discussion

BretDaCosta's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Multiple Choice Solution


     I am looking to see if anyone could provide some insight on the best way to accomplish this scenario. I am not very quickbase savvy, I have been able to find all other solutions or insight by searching as I am building this project but this, which seems silly because I would believe it to be simple without creating a table but I am unsure.

I have a Tables of Customers-->Services-->NetMGMT

Under Net MGMT there are:

--> Managed Projects
------> Work Entries

--> Monthly Hours
------> Work Entries

I take the customers name field all the way down. When it gets to Net MGMT, sometimes these customers have customers that I would simply like to have a multiple choice field of all the potential customers, for that customer only.

In managed projects this is okay because the work entries relating to the project are always for the same Customer/End Customer so a simple text field lookup for the End customer in the Managed Project carried down to the work entry is simple.

For Monthly it is not so. It is far less organized as we could be working on many different customers of customers during a day and I cannot depend on people to type something in the same way every time apparently so I am stuck looking for the least cumbersome solution.

I am a Network Engineer, not at all a Data Base guy so any help anyone can offer is immensely appreciated!

Bret DaCosta | NSE 4, CCDA, CCNA, MCP, N+
Network Security Engineer

1 Reply

  • Hi Bret,

    So the issue is that for any of your customer records they could have multiple customers that could be using your Monthly services. For example Company A could have Company Alpha, Company Beta, and Company Delta as companies under them? Are those companies all stored in different fields in that Company record or are they listed somewhere else like a related table of customers?

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base