Forum Discussion

JohnnyDeVilla1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

Need help with a formula changing phone format from (000) 000-0000 to 000-000-0000

I want to display phone numbers on a report as 000-000-0000 instead of (000) 000-0000. I just starting out with formulas any insight would be helpful. 

4 Replies

  • This is how I would do it with a Formula-Text field:

    Substitute your phone number field with [Home Telephone] and please see the strategic space in the embedded Right statement

    Right(Left([Home Telephone],")")&"-"&Right([Home Telephone],") "),"(")

    • JohnnyDeVilla1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Would this Right(Left([File Path],"/")&"\" change my slashes in a file path to the opposite? 
    • DavidHawe's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I don't think so.  It not really a search a and replace type of a function.  If you have only one slash, you can concatenate what is left of it with what is right of it with an opposite slash in between.  If there are multiple it gets much more complicated.