Forum Discussion

AidonOlligschla's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Need Solution for Automated Notifications

Hello All,

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I have a group of people that I need to remind to sign in to a website every 30 days after their last sign-in.  I thought I had this all vetted out, but now after I've rolled out the new process, I've noticed one hiccup: 

I have a formula checkbox that will automatically check itself when today's date is 30 days after their last sign-in date.  This is supposed to trigger a modification notification that then sends them an email with instructions to sign back in.  However, the formula checkbox doesn't actually count as "modifying" the record.  So, I have to do this manually until I can figure out a fix.  Any ideas? 

I was thinking I could possibly create a pipeline that modifies a new field -- let's call it "today" date field -- on a daily basis, which I'm hoping would trigger the email to be sent.  Anyone have any insight or a similar experience they can relate to?

Aidon Olligschlager
Flight Support Specialist
Pentastar Aviation
Waterford MI
  • You are on the right track. I would set up a date/time field called [date/time to trigger email].

    Then set up a pipeline to run daily looking for any notifications that are due to be fired today and update that field with the current date/ time

    you can use this for the current date and time.

    {{ }}

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • AidonOlligschla's avatar
      Qrew Cadet


      I had some trouble with the {{}} on the updated records.  Some kind of error saying "today() is invalid," so I tried a different approach:

      I created two fields:  "previous count" and "new count."  Previous being a numeric field, and New being a numeric formula field that adds 1 to Previous.  I then created a pipeline that updates Previous Count with the New Count daily (effectively counting up by 1 every day).  This seems to be working - the record is modified everyday in this regard, so if any one of my checkbox fields are marked, the emails will be sent out accordingly.

      Appreciate the help!  This is pretty much my first pipeline I've created, and I can see just how helpful this feature can become.

      Aidon Olligschlager
      Flight Support Specialist
      Pentastar Aviation
      Waterford MI