Need Solution for Automated Notifications
Hello All,
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I have a group of people that I need to remind to sign in to a website every 30 days after their last sign-in. I thought I had this all vetted out, but now after I've rolled out the new process, I've noticed one hiccup:
I have a formula checkbox that will automatically check itself when today's date is 30 days after their last sign-in date. This is supposed to trigger a modification notification that then sends them an email with instructions to sign back in. However, the formula checkbox doesn't actually count as "modifying" the record. So, I have to do this manually until I can figure out a fix. Any ideas?
I was thinking I could possibly create a pipeline that modifies a new field -- let's call it "today" date field -- on a daily basis, which I'm hoping would trigger the email to be sent. Anyone have any insight or a similar experience they can relate to?
Aidon Olligschlager
Flight Support Specialist
Pentastar Aviation
Waterford MI