Forum Discussion

  • Thanks for the fast reply.  Just need to jump to a specific (not default) filtered report in the child table listing all the sites that are associated w/ the mother Projects table where the URL jump link will be.
  • If you want to launch a report off a record  and want it to be filtered on some criteria that the record knows, you can do that easily.

    1. Make your perfect report, and have an <ask the user> for any criteria.  Let's say there is just 1 criteria for this example.

    2. Run the report and answer the question manually.

    3. Observe the URL.  That is what we need to replicate in the URL

    Make the Formula URL field.

    Urlroot() & "db/" & [_DBID of target table from its advanced properties] & "?a=q&qid=99&nv=1&v0=" & ULREncode([field from the record you are launching form]

    replace the 99 with the qid of your report.
  • It's a real handy trick.

    The nv=1 means and number of variables (ie questions =1), and the v0 means "and here is the answer to the 0th question" - its starts numbering at zero,

    so if there were two <ask the user> questions it would read

    &nv=2&v0=" & urlencode([field1])& "&v1=" & urlencode([field 2])

    • RobertKreibich's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thanks so much again for your insights.  You are the Champ!
  • What if I have 2 <ask the user> questions in the report (Project Number and Fiscal Year) but the user still have to specify the Fiscal Year.

    It is work if I set Fiscal Year  with a specific value (ex: FY-2020) ...
    URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_EXPENDITURES] & "?a=q&qid=7&nv=2&v0=" &  URLEncode([Project-ID]) & "&v1=" & URLEncode("FY-2020")

    But if Fiscal Year is still an <ask the user> question, what have I to do? 


    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      There may be solutions with increasing levels of complexity to set up, but how about landing the user on a report with just the project pre-selected by the URL and allowing them to just use a Dynamic Filter to select a fiscal year?  basically that is the same effort as having to answer an <ask the user> question, it's just off to the side.

      The report description can Remind them tell them to do that.  The report can also sort and group by Fiscal year.